Aspek Klinis dan Histopatologis Lentigo Solaris (Clinical Aspect and Histopathologic of Lentigo Solaris)
Lentigo solaris is a hiperpigmented lsionthat caused by natural or artificial ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This lesion showed taht there is an increase in risk of melanoma or non-melanoma skin cancer. Diagnosis of lentigosolaris is improtant, because it is benign lesion with variable clinical manifestation. Lentigo solaris be diiferentiatedwith lentigo maligna which is a carcinoma of the skin. It also have a role as a marker in destruction effect of the skin caused by UV light. Clinical manifestation of lentigo solaris is a hiperpigmented macule on the sun exposure skin area. Vary in size, with regular or irregular border, the color usually sight from histopathology rsult there are elongation of the rete ridges with club shape or bud like extension on epidermis, increasing in melanocytes amount without nests formation. On the dermis showed perivasculer infiltration of mononuclear cells. In Case of lentigo solaris must exam precisely to purge from malignancy.
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