Pola Penyakit Kulit pada Bayi di Divisi Dermatologi Anak Unit Rawat Jalan Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin RSUD Dr. Soetomo (The Pattern of Infants Skin Diseases at Pediatric Dermatology Division in Dermato Venerology Outpatient Clinic Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya 2005-2007)
Stratum corneum of the infant’s skin is thinner than adult. Also the colagen, hair folicles, and sebaceous glandsare immature. It makes the pattern of the skin diseases between infants, children and adults are different. Knowing the parren feature of infant skin diseases at Pediatrict Dermatology Division in Dermato-Venereology Outpatient ClinicDr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya. Retrospective study from sewcondary data which all new visits with less than 1 yearold for 3 years periode and recorded name, gender, age, residency and diagnosis. The new infant patients are 422 infants or 10.5% from all new pediatrict patients with 96.9% are from Surabaya. Most frequent diagnosis are dermatitis, 164 patients (38.9%), followed by dermatomycosis, 94 patients (22.3%), bacterial infections (16.6%), skin tumor, 24 patients (5.7%), pigmen disorder, 21 patients (5.0%), alergic-immunology diseases, 11 patients (2.6%), parasitic infestation, 10 patients (2.4), viral infection, 7 patient (1.6%), erytroskuamosa and gendermatisus are 3 patients (0.7%) each. We found 1 infants (0.2%) with leprosy and 1 patients (0.2%) with hernia hernia. Dermatitis, dermatomycosis, and bacterial infection are the three most diseases. Hygiene and humidity of the infant skins are still a health problem.
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