Pemakaian Incline Bite Plane pada Anak-Anak dengan Gigitan Terbalik Anterior pada Maloklusi Klas 1 Angle (Incline Bite Plane in Children With Anterior Crossbite Class1 Malocclusion)
The anterior crossbite in this case is the third type of of first class malocclusion. The bite is the most case ever found in mixed denttion. The utilization of bine plane is a selected therapy for the case. The benefits such as shortly endurance, permanently implantation for the children, and more economic. The lacks are only inconvenience and esthetic. Incline biite plane by acrylic plate or composite, Cemented on mandibular incisive leath. Two weeks utilization without TMJ interference could fix the anterior crossbite. In this case, there is always another therapy alternative of course, for axample arthodontics appliance.
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