Kagagalan Penggunaan Bahan Cetak Hidrokolloid Irreversibel Karena Penanganan yang Salah (The Faillure of Using Hydrocolloid Irreversible Impression as a Result of Improper Manipulation)
meterial are used to reproduce the form and relationship Impression of teeth and oral tisues. Alginate is among hydrocolloids irreversible impression material most commoly used to make an impression of various areas in the oral cavity. Alginate impression product have accaptable elastic properties and compare well withreversible hydrocoloid materials. Preparation for use requires only the mixing of measured quantities of powderand water. The resulting paste flows well and registers acceptable anatomical detal. But sometimes we found the failure of using alginate impression. There are distortion, tear impression, demenssional change and undetail reproduction. An understanding of physical characteristic. Limitations properties, properly instruments and menipulation are necessary for it successful use in clinical dentistry.
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