Pengaruh Tepung Teripang Pasir (Holothuria scabra)terhadap Perilaku Seksual dan Kadar Testosteron Darah Mencit (Mus musculus)
Sea cucumber is generally believed as a natural material that can be used as a tonic food to increase man vitality. The aim of this study was to investigate the efffect of sandfish powder on sexual behavior and blood testosterone level of male mice. Method in the study was laboratory experimental method Mature male mice was treated with administration of sandifish powder with three dosage rate of steroid content (10.30 and 50 µg/100 g body weight) during 12 days, whereqs for control treatment were without homone administration and with the metil testosterone administration. Parameter that were investigated were kssing vagina and mounting for sexual behavior and the blood testosterone level of male mice. It was found that administration of sandfish powder significantly give effect on te number of kissing and mounting compared to control. Administration of 10 µg/100g body weight on male mice. It was found that administration of sandfish powder significantly give effect on the number of kissing vaigina and mounting compared to control. Administration of 10 µg/100 g body weight on male mice showed the highest sexual behavior with 25 kissing vagina for and 6 mounting for 30 minutes. Moreover, administration of sandfish powder increased the testosterone level that increase mice libido. The study proved that the sandfish powder has a potential as a nature aphrodisiac.
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