Perbandingan Ekspresi p53, Bel-2, dan Indeks Apoptosis Trofoblas pada Preeklampsia/Eklsmpsia dan Kehamilan Normal
To prove that amount of opoptotic trophoblast cells on trophoblast ttissue sample from precelamptic/eclamtic complicated pregnancy, were higher then normal pregnancy. Department of Obstetri and Gynecology General Hospital Dr. Saiful Anwar, and Laboratory of Biomedic Faculty of Brawijaya University Malang. Laboratorycross sectional study, that observe immuno-histochemically, p53 and BCI-2 protein expression, also the DNA-fragmented technically (TUNEL) to detect apoptotic cells on trophoblastic tissue. Sample of trophoblatic tissue was performed from biopsy, compare by the normal pregnancy (n=20). Independent variable: p53, Bcl-2, apoptosis. Dependent variable: preeclamptic/eclamptic. Statistic analysis. Independent t test (p=0.05). There are significant different amount of trophablast cells that were apoptotic on trophablast tissue of preclamptic/eclamptic group (470±1.829), compare by normal pregnancy group (15.30±3.561). (t test: p≤0.000). There are significant different of Bcl-1 protein expression on trophoblast tissue of normal pregnancy. (2030±5.7744), compare by preclamptic group (rerata 9.90±1.9124). t test. p≤0.000). There are significant group (rerata 9.90±1.9124) (t test; p≤0.000). There are significant different of p53 protein expression on trophoblast tissue of normal pregnancy (8.20±2.898), compare by preclamptic/eclamptic group (22.70±4.990). (t test: p≤0.000). The amount of trophoblast cells that were apoptatic on trophoblast tissue of preclamptic/eclamptic compicated pregancy were high then normal pregnancy.
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