Kadar Ion Kalsium Urin pada Preeklampsia dan Kehamilan Normal di Rumah Sakit Dr. Moewardi
The extract etiology for preclampsia is yet to be elucidated. One of the theory of regarding the cause preclampsia is placental ischaemia, which decreases enzim of 1 alfa hydroxilase production. In preclampsia, the level of serum calcitriol is reduced, due to the reduced level of 1 alfa hydroxilaseenzime, and thus lowering the excretion rate of urinary calsium. Study design observational descriptive. Material and method: samples were grouped into two, in which the first group consisted of 24 preeclampsia patients, while the second group consisted of 24 patient with normal pregnancy. The 24 hours urine was taken from members of both groups as samples for this study. Urinary calcium ion in the pre-eclamtic group was 85.99±39.46, while the average of urinary calcium ion in the normal pregnancy group was 276±37.69. Calcium: urine calcium ion level in preeclapsia is lower than Urine calcium ion level in normal pregnancy.
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