Pola Makan dan Pertumbuhan Bobot Tubuh Tikus yang Diinokulasi Porhyromomas Gingivalis Sebelum dan Sesudah Terjadinya Periodontitis
Food pattern and body weight of rat inoculation byprophyromonas gingivalis before and after periodontitis. The rat model of periodontitis induced by Prophyromonas gingivalis (P. Gingivalis) were selected to prove that energy requirement is rising in pretodontitis, as well as the body mass erosion that giving influence to growth. This study aimed to get food consumption pattern and the lowest growth of body weight which would give information about time period to deliver nutrients needed to increase body weight to fasten healing. Esperimental study was done using 63 Wistar adult, healthy male rat in Laboratorium Penelitian dan Pengujian Terpadu Gadjah Mada Unversity, Yogyakarta in 2007-2008. The subject study induced periodontitis by bacterial innoculation using P. Gingivalis. The objects of the study were food consumption pattern and growth of body weight. Food comsumption pattern was percentage of subject finishing food devided by total subject, before and during periodontitis period. Growth of body weight is mean of increasing body weight of 2 adjacent periodontitis period devided by length of day between the 2 periods. The beginning of subject finishing the food was the when periodontitis identified by Pathology Anatomic examination. Amount of subject finishing the food was variable according to periodontitis process. The growth of body weight before and during periodontitis was inclining by age. The highest incremental of mean body weight per day was observed before periodontitis until the beginning of periodontitis. The lowest incremental of mean body weight was found between in begining of periodontitis to chronical period 1, as long as 7 days. The subject study began to finish the food since the beginning of periodontitis. During 7 days period from the beginning of periodontitis to chronical period 1, there was the lowest incremental body weight.
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