Studi Komparasi Pemeriksaan MRI 0,5 Testa terhadap EEG Skalp dan Evaluasi Hasil Operasi Berdasarkan Kriteria Engel pada Epilepsi Mesial Temporal Sclerosis
Comparative study of MRI 0,5 Tesla result with scalp ECG and evaluation of surgery resul based on Engel classification among patient with mesial temporal selerosis epilepsy. Accurate properative localization of the epileptic is importnt in the intraoperative localization of lesion which ultimately will control the postoperative sizures. To intevigate the association among routine scalp electroencephalographic (EEG). Megenetic Resonance image (MRI) 0.5 Tesla and Surgical outcome using Engel’s criteria in Mesial Temporal Sclorosis (MTS).This study used an analitical descriptive study with cross sectional design. Correlation between E.G.G.. and MRI was analized using the Kappa and MMR findings with operative outcome was analized using the spremann. Forty seven patients with intractable Epilepsy who underwen temperatural lobectomy between 2000 and 2007 were the subjects of the study. Routing scalp EGG and MMRI fintings revealed that the focus were the mostly temporal lobe epileptifrom in the right side Comparing the EEG foci with MRI lesion the study revealed same location of foci in the right side (42.6% vs 61.7%)., in the left side (27.7% vs 27.7%), bilateral (14.9% vs 2.1%) and normal (14.9% vs 8.5%). The correlation of lateralization of foci between EEG finding and MRI lession is significan. There was association between the MRI 0.5 Tesla finding and operative outcome (r=0.352, p=0.015). All patients after surgery showed I-III Engel’s classification. Result of MRI 0.3 Tesla gives sight agreement with scalp ECG result but is associated with the operation outcome based on Engel classification.
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