Kadar TNF-alpa, IL-6 dan Trofoblas pada Preeklampsia-Eklampsia
The level of THF-α, IL-6 and trophoblast in Preclampsia- eclampsia . Pre eclampesia-eclampsia (PE-E) is the highest cause of maternal death. Up to the present time. PE-E is still the disease of theories, where the pathofisiology is still unclear. Invitro research reported that increase of TNF-α and IL-6 in PE-E will cause the placeta hypoxia. This condition will trigger the secretion of pra inflammatory cytokine from fetoplacenta which will cause the rejection in trophoblast invasion. The purpose of thie study was to analyze the association between the TNF-α and IL-6 rate/expression with infarct and placental tissue apoptosis. The study was done during the period of july 2005-october 2005. The subjects were 17 parturient non PE-E and 18 parturient PE-E whao delivered at Dr. Karjadi Hospital Semarang. The TNF-α and IL-6 rate/expression were measured from the blood sample and placental tissue with ELISA method and imunohystochemical by acidine orange painting. The differentce of TNF-α and IL-6 rate/expression with the size of infarct and apoptosis were tested by Mann-Whiney test and the correlation with Spearman test. The mean size of infarct in normal subjects was 12.3% compared to PE-E which was 35.3% (p=0.001). The percentage of apoptosis in normal and PE-E subjects were 32.3% respectively (p=0.001). The mean rate of TNF-α of placenta and blood serum in normal and PE-E subjects were 1,7 pg/mL, 2.3 pg/mL respectively P₁ and P₂
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