Peningkatan Kadar Solubie Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 (sVCAM-1) sebagai Petanda Aktivasi Endotel pada Serum Penderita Sindrom Antifosolipid yang dipanjankan pada Kultur Endotel Tali Pusat Manusia
To obtain solube VCAM-1 (sVCM-1) concentration from APS subjects subject sera exposed to the culture of human umbilical cord endothel to demonstrate whether there is a role of endothelial activation in the thrombotic events in APS (antiphospholipid) patient. An in vitro experimental research carried out in Makmal Terpadu Imunondokrinologi/FKUI in 2003. Faurteen serum samples of each groups. APS and non APS subjects, fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria, based on operational difinition. (Sapporo criteria). Then the endothel cell cultures were exposed to treatment media, which has been added with 20% serum from each bubjects of APS and non APS. The concentration of sVCAM-1 from each subject was measured using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method. Statistically there was a significant difference (p
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