Hubungan antara Penyakit Menular dengan Kemiskinan di Indonesia
Most of the disease burden in developmening countries is related to the consequences of poverty, such as poor nutrition, indoor air pollution and lack of access to proper sanitation and health education. This article explains the correlation of infectius disease and poverty in Indonesia. We analyzed the social economic data obtained from BPS (control Bureau of Statistics) 2007 and communicable disease data obtaitained from Riskesdas (baseline Health Research) 2007, using SPSS 15.0 program. A district/city (Kabupaten/kota) is categorized as “high prevalence” in communicable disease if its prevalence is higher than that of national level and vice versa. A district/city is categorized as “poor” if the percentage of its poor population is higher than that of national percentage (i.e > 16.6%). The results showed that all of the communicable disease were significantly correlated with poverty. Multivariate analysis showed that the prevalence of malaria penumonia and diarrhea were significantly higher in district/city categorized as “poor”
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