Pelaksanaan Pengobatan Masal Filariasis di Beberapa Daerah dengan Frekuensi Pengobatan Berbeda
A study has been conducted to evaluate implementation of mass drug administration (MDA) of filariasis in some areas with different frequency of medication. The research was a crosssectional survey. Research was done in three sub districts. Kuala Tungkal (West Tanjung Jabung District and Sembawa (Banyuasin District. South Sumatera) for four times. Research was done in November-December 2006. Data was collected by using a structured questionnaire with closed and opened answer. Respondents were the community and Ministrant personel of Elmination (Tenaga Pembantu Eliminasi/TPE). Result showed that community and TPE ansvers which agree to the question about implementation step of mass drug administration was >90% percentage of most answers were
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