Resistensi Vektor Malaria terhadap Insektisida di Dusun Karyasari dan Tukatpule Pulau Bali dan Desa Ledang Ree dan Labuhan Haji Pulau Lombok
The global phenomenon of insecticides resistance in Malaria vectos has been recognized as a major problem by stakehoders of communicable Diasese Centre (CDC) progream in developing countries including Indonesia. Resistance is inherited and has proved to be biggest single barrier to successful chemical control of insect vectors. The continuity of along time period insecticide usage can produce mosquitoes resistance. Reistance to insecticide results from three main mechanism : 1) insectide penetrationis reduce, 2) the insecticides is more efficiently metabolized by esterases, mixed function oxideses, or glutathione transferase enzyme and, 3) the target of the insecticide is modified (insensitive acetylocholinesterase). The objectives of he study were a) to determine the potency of malaria vector fector from Bali and lombok Island to be resistent to organophosphate, carbonate and pyrethoid insectides. B) to determine the potency of agricuktural pesticide contribute for malaria vector resistance. Th ersearch methods used were blochemical assays (microplate assys) for elevated esterase and insensitive accetylcholinesterase. The blochemically test were cross cheked using standard WHO methods (impregnated paper) respectively. The esterase activityand insensitive acetylcholinesterase were measured at 450 nm and 405 nm with a Dytech Elisa plate reader. Thebsusceptibility test were curried aut using 0,5% & 0,1% bendiocarb, 0,05% deltamethrin, 0,75 prmethrin dan 1,0% perthrin dan 1,0% fenitrothion, the diagnostic dosesrecommended by WHO. The usage of agricultre pesticides informataion was obtained with questionaire. Bochemical assays indicated that wild population malaria vector colleted from Bali and Lombok Island were mostly decreased susceptibility (resistant or tolerance). Although there were different level of resistance present and different mechanism occurs. Microplate enzymatic assay on individual Anopheles aconitus and Anopheles subpictus colected from Tabanam and Buleleng, Regency revealed that 16,66 % and 6,35% population were tolerance and resistant respectively due to ekevated esteranse activity mechanism Base on suscepiblity test after the 24 hour recovery period were 1995 for all insecticide testd. The result suggested that populationof An aconitus and Anopheles subpictus colected from Tababanan, and Buleleng Regency is susceptible to all the insecticide tested. The percentage resistance of anopheles subpicus colle4ction from West Lombok and East Lombok Regency were 15,155 AND 25,05 populatin resistant and tolerance respectively due to elevated esterase activity mechanism Base on susceptibility test mortality after the 24 hours recovery period were 44% for bendiocarp 0.1%, q=100% for bendiocarp 0,5% 77% for deltamnetrin 0,05% for permethrin 0,75% and 78% for fenithrothion 1% for fenithrothion 1%. The result suggested population of An subpictus collected from East Lombok Regency was resistant to bendicocarp 0,1% deltamethrin 0,05 and fenitrothion 1,0%. There was no evidence of an altered acetylcholinesterase (insensitive acetylcholinesterase) mechanis acetylcholinesterase (insensitive acetycholinesterase) mechanism in malaria vectors population from Bali and Lombok Island. This result indicated that agriculturl pesticide are the sole source of selection pressure for from resistance in malaria vector An. Subpictus from East Lombok Regency although breeds on lagoon
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