Hubungan Faktor Determin dengan Kejadian Tifoid di Indonesia Tahun 2007 (Association of Determinant Factors with Prevalence of Typhoid in Indonesia)
Typhoid is an abdominal infectious disease caused by Salmonela typhii. The Typhus more popular name called Typhus Abdominalis, Typhoid fever or Enteric fever. The Profile of disease control and healthy environment in 2006 reported that typhoid was to be publich health’s problem. The cases of morbidity and mortality rate from typhoid was 500 per 1000.000 people, and fatality rate was 65%. The objective of this study is to find prevalence of typhoid and the relatied with several determinants in Indonesia. This study used cross-sectional design with descriptive analysis on relation of determinant factors to typhoid prevalence in Indonesia in 2007. The research sample is all sample who answered questioner about Typhus. Collected data with direct quesioner. Determinant factor in analisis are individual karacteristic, demografi status, econom status, and environment. The result shows prevalency of clinical Typhoid about 1,5% with range prevalence (0,4%-2,6%). Dominant factor in Typhoid morbidity has 13 variable, which are sex variable with OR=1,142 on male group The highest OR higher was on 1-14 years that was 1,449 (1,164-1,804). The education variable who unfinishes from elementary school have OR = 1,746, responden who have child under five 5 years more than five child in their home have OR=3,368, variable area acording to island in Indonesia. NTT and NTB were OR=1,052. Variable area according to administration area OR = 1,283 (1,169-1,410) on rural side. The length of time to acces proffesional health service have OR = 1,420 on group who have time to acces was long, and the length of time to acces cominity health service have OR = 1,226 for time long to acces, and water sufficienty OR = 1, 273 for respondent have not water sufficient, variable of the source around drinking water resource OR = 1,097, and the variable of the water quality bad OR = 1, 401, v1riable of having a garbage place have OR = 1, 180 on responden didn’t have a garbage place, and the last was variable of having the waste pipeline in respomden home, group respondent didn’t have waste pipeline in home OR = 1,098. The result shown prevalency of clinical typhoid about 1,5%, with range prevalency (0,4%-2,6%). Dominan factors on the typhoid morbidity there were 13 factors which are 1, sex variable, 2. Age variable, 3. Consist of Child under five years in family 4. Education variable, 5. Area’s according island 6. Administration area variable 7. Length of time to cacces to profesional health service 8. Length of time to acces to profesional health in tergrated health care post, 9. Variable with water sufficiency. 10. Variable of soil source paround drinking water source. 11. Variable of with water quqlity, 12. Variable with having a garbage place, 13. Variable of having the waste pipeline in responden home.
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