Hubungan Keadan Geografi dan Lingkungan dengan Gangguan Akibat Kurang Yodium (GAKY)
Information on the geographyand environment: the use of fish poisoning and food containing goitrogenic substance, the use of pesticide on agriculture and environment contaimination of lead mercury in relation to Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) are discussed in this paper. Geography location is grouped into 3 categories i.e. higland area and swampy land areas. Goiter prevalence in highland, lowland and swampy areas were 30.3%, 8,7%, and 2.8% respectively. The goitre prevalence (8.7%) in lowland areas showed that there are pockets of goitre areas. In some coastal areas, fishermen use fish poison to kill certain fish to save the hrowth of mikfish from disturbance. If of thyroxine (T4) hormon. That is why cases of goiter were found in coastal areas. Vaue of urinary thitoxication process of cytonates produces thiocynates. If one consumes sufficient protein contining sulphurous will convert into thiocynates. The use of pesticide on agriculture could be decreased the hormone cholinesterase. As goitrogenic substance residu of pesticide will lead to delay the bio synthesis of thyroxine (T4) hormone. Research finding indicated that in lowland area of East Java that blood lead level was associated with hypohypothyroidism . It is assumed that contamination of lead (PB) andmercury (Hg) in water come from residual industry. It was reported from anotherresearch in Yogyakarta that women lived in urba are who was exposured by Pb n gas emission of motor-vehicle had relatively risk suffering from hypothyroidsm 4 times than those of not contaminated.
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