Tempat-Tempat Terkini yang Disenangi untuk Perkembangan Vektor Demam Berdarah Aedes sp.
Aedes aegypti and Ae. Albopicus are know as the vector of dengue and chikungunya. The breeding habitat of dengue vector Aedes, were studied using larva collection method inside and outside houses in Pondok Aren and Curug sub district in Tangerang area (as zone 1), Kebayoran Baru and Kebayoran Lama in Jakarta Selatan area (as zone II) and in Bekasi Timur, Cibitung and Tambun sub districts in Bekasi area (as zone III). Study was carry out during December 2007-March 2008, by indentification the Aedes breeding places. The characteristics of containers and larvae in ecah container were recorded. The result of species identification shown of 94% of the 137 containers with positive with mosquitoes lavae were positive with. Aedes aegypti, so was dominant species. Their breeding habitat likely in cistern in darkly situation and 6-10 liters in volume were the most common as breeding of Aedes in all zonas surveyed. The bbreeding habitats pf Aedes aegypti in this study similar to those in all zonas surveyed. The breeding habitats patter of Aedes aegypti in this study similar to those of others previously studies. Thereover, the study result that the larval Aedes aegypti was founded in two storage on dispensers.
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