Lama penyimpanan Galur Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 dalam Buah Kelapa dan Uji Efikasinya terhadap Berbagai Jentik Nyamuk Vektor di Laboratorium
An investigation using Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 local strain which was kept in coconuts during the days 4 , 7, 14, 21 and 28 and its efficacy test toward malaria (Anopheles spp), filaria (Culex quinquefasciants) and Dengue Haemmoraghic. Fever (Aedes aegypti) which were conducted in the microbiology in Vector control research and reservoir Unit Salatiga. The efficacy test of B. Thuringiensis H-14 local strain was conducted according to the 1989 WHO procedure of to obtin the survival death of concentration vector larvae test. The result showed that B. Thuringiensis H-14 local strain which was kept in coconuts during the days 4, 7, 14, and 28, was still effective to kill various of vector mosquito larvae test oven though at different concentration. The smaller concentration of B. Thuringiensis H-14 local strain for controling 50% and 90% 3nd intar larvae x quinquefasciatus (from 5 species which were tested) was 0.002 ml/100 ml (LC 50) and 0.003 ml/100 ml (LC 90) with a Total Viable Cell (TVC) and a Total Spore Count (TVSC) of 6.8x10pangkat 6 cells/ml 7.1x10pangkat6 spores at day 14ᵗᵸ after an exposure of 24 hours respectively. After an exposure of 48 hours, the concentration needed to kill larvae, which was mentioned above, was 0.001 ml/100 ml (LC 50) and 0.027 ml/100 ml. The investigation should be developd furthe by using local media for formulating the local strain of B, thuringiensis H-14
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