Krakteristik, perilaku dan Budaya Ibu-Ibu Papua yang Melatarbelakangi Kematian Anak
Infant mortality and under five children mortality ratio in the last few years has been in stagnant level about 50 per 1000. Underlying factors influencing that are; socio economic and culture, and also proximate factors are; age, and member of children. This research was carried out in 2004 in Mimika District PT Freeport Indonesia project area indigenous people namely Amungme and Kamoro tribes who lived in the new settlements. Coolecting data was conducted quantitatively and qualitatively. There were 204 samples of post delivery mothers. It is found that almost 20% respondents children died (noidentified of age when they died), member of Kamoros children died more than Amungmes. Characteristic factors might influenced children died such as; mother’s age, deliveries frequency and houses status. Cultural Factors might influenced children died such as early aged of marriage, mothers activities and responsibilities in collecting food to the jungle, river, beach caused no one took care of children, mony food taboos (high protein) and every child died often be interpreted as believed of mothers fault during or before pregnancy.
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