Efikasi Tamsulosin pada Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia dengan Retensio Urine Akut yang Menjalani Trial Without Catheter
To evaluate the efficacy of tamsulosin on BPH patients with an acute urine retention on a trial without catheter (TWOC). This study was a post test only-placebo group design comparing residual urine in BPH patients with an acute urine retention on TWOC between groups treated with tamsulosin and placebo. The efficacy with transulosin or placebo on the 3nd and 14th day was analyzed using the Chi square test and Mc Nemar test. This study showed that three was still urine retention in 7 patients (58,3%) and 4 patients (44,4%) shared recovery within 3 days of transulosin administration, while 5 patients (41,7%) still had urine retention compared to 5 patients (55,6%) who showed recovery in the placebo group. The difference was insignificant with p=0,67. Patients who dropped out from TWOC on the 3nd day and given tamsulosin until 14th day showed still urine retentionin in 4 patients (444,4%) and recovery in 3 patients (100%) while all samples who were given placebo showed urine retention in 5 patients (55,6%). The difference was insignificant with p=0,205. Follow up for 3 days in the tamsulosin group with urine retention, 3 patients became free from urine retention and the other 4 patients still had it. However in this study, no difference in efficacy (p=1,025). In placebo groups with urine retention before the 3rd day of administration still showed urine retention after 14th. There was n statistical differences on the administratio the success of TWOC, between groups given 0,2 mg of transulusion and the placebo group, neither on 3tnd day nor on the 14th day. There was reducion of recatheterization because of TWOC with patients whowere given tamsulosin for 14 days.
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