Pelaksnaan Pengobatan Massal Filariasis di Beberapa Derah dengan Frekuensi Pengobatan Berbeda
A study has been conducted to evaluate implementation of mass drug administration (MDA) of filariasis in some areas with areas with different frequency of medication. The research was a cross sectional in some areas with different frequency of medication. The research was a cross sectional survey. Research was done in three sub districts: Kuala Tungkal (West Tanjung Jabung District. Jambi) for twice frequency of medication, West Dumai (Dumai City, Riau0 for three times and Sembawa (banyuasin District, South Sumatera) for dour times. Research was done in November-December 2006. Data was collected by using a structured questionaire with closed and opened answer. Respondents wee the community and Ministrani Personel of Elimination (Tenaga Pembantu Eliminasi (TPE). Result showed that community and TPE answers which agree to the question about implementation step of mass drug administration were equal approximately. However answers which agree to involvement of TPE in drug distribution was > 90%, percentage of most answers were < 50%, especially about: Coverage of drug distribution, counseling, understanding of community to purpose of medication indication, involvemen of Ministrant Personnel of Elimination in other function and compliance of taking medicine. In conclusion, mass deug administration step of filariasis had been implemented acording to procedure, but target coverage in everystep was not yet as expected. It is essential to improve implentation of MDA in Future rounds to achieve target of elimination of filariasis in Indonesia in 2020
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