Gambaran Histopatologik Ginjal Tikus Putih (Rattus Norvegicus) pasca Ovariohisterektomi dengan Suplemen Kalsium Karbonat Dosis Tinggi (Histopatological Study of Renal Rats(Ratus Norvegicus) After Ovaryohysterectomized and Given High Dose of Calsium Carbonate as supplement)
The aim of this research was to study the effect of high dose calcium carbonate as suplement to histopatological feature of renalrrats (rattus norvegicus) after ovarhysterectomy. Ovaryohsterectomy was done to achived the lack of estrogen that eual with menopause in women. Total twent female rats, strain Spraue dawley, 13 weeks old were used as eperimental animals. After ovaryohysterectomy, they were randomized in four groups. PO has been fed with standart food without calcium carbonate as supplement. P1, P2 and P3 were groups that eacg rat fed standard food with 75 mg/PO/day, 225 mg/PO day and 450 mg/PO/day calcium carbonate respectively. The calcium carbonate supplemenwere given evry mornng during 42 days successively. The experimental animals were euthanized at 21 weeks old. The dexter kidneys were fixed in t0 10% formalin for hystological observation using Haematoxylin – Eosin staining. The hystopatological feature of the kidneys were presented descriptively. The result showed the hypercellularity of glomerulus and necrosis of tubulus contortus proxmal in PO, but normal hystological feature were observed in PI. Contrarary, the sign of renal degeneration were clearly observed in P2 and P3. Sweling of glomerulus and necrosis of tubulus contortus proxymal were observed in P3. The conclusion of calcium carbonat given.
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