Kegemukan dan Determinan Serta Penyakit Degeneratif pada Dewasa Muda
Excess body weight is a major publich health problem caused by the relationship between obesity and degenerative diseases. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of overweight and obesity in young adults and their association with variables such as age, education, occupation, income per capita, habits, hypertension and hyperglycemia. The data were analyzed using the data obtained from Basic Health Research (Riskesas) 2007 which involved 319.205 participants at the age of 18-39 years old. The result showed that the prevalence of overweight and obesity in young adults in Indonesia was 15,2% and 17.9%. The prevalence of overweight and obesity increased by age and were higher in women than men. Prevalence of overweight and obesity were higher among high socio economic group, but in lowest economic group the prevalence of overweight and obesity were high too i.e 14.1% and 15%. This study showed the higher of degree of obesity, the higher risk of hypertension and hyperglycemia. These results indicate that the overweight and obesity has become major public health problem in young adults in Indonesia and need national strategies to prevent them earlier
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