Proses Kerusakan Gigi dan Pencegahannya
Preventing of tooth decay is important, related to tooth function such as mastication, speech and aesthetic. Too avoid tooth decay needs to understand anatomy of the teeth, causal, type and the process of the decay. Abrasion is tooth decay caused by using hard toothbrush and pressure when tooth-brushing. Erosion of the tooth is caused by acid from food and beverage but caries is caused by acid producing bacteria in the presence of fermentable carbohydrates. The tooth which is primarily mineral in content is in constant state back-and-forth demineralization and re-mineralization between the tooth and surrounding saliva. When the pH at the surface of the tooth drops below 5.5, demineralization proceeds faster than remineralization, this result in the ensuring decay. Abrasion can be avoided Abrasion can be avoided by using soft brush when tooth-brushing without vigor. Keeping away from acidity of food & beverage can reduce tooth erosion. Dental health organization advocates preventive and prophylactic measures, such as regular oral hygiene and dietary modification, to avoid dental caries. Practicing excellent oral hygiene such as brush teeth at lest twice daily, and floss at least once daily, best after every meal can prevent dental plaque from forming
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