Cockroach as an Allergen for the Respiratory System at Dr. Pirngadi Hospital, Medan (Alergen Kecoa pada Penderita Alergi Saluran Napas di Rumah Sakit Dr. Pirngadi Medan)
The study was done in the Department of Internal Medicine Pirngadi Hospital, Medan on 160 resiratory patients. The higest frequency of allergy were rhinitis, rhinitis and asthma, asthma and chronic cough. Analysis of skin prick test using environmental allergens showed that the most prevalent were house dust, mite and cockroach, they also produce the largest urtica. There was no difference of sex on the reactivity of skin test. The influence of age on the reactivity of skin test was conspicuous especially in the age group of 24-44 years. It was possible that cockroach allergen is a part of house dust.
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