Operative Surgery on Children with Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (Pembedahan pada Anak dengan Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus/IDDM)
Due to several factors a undergoing surgical treatment has to face a much than non diabetic one. Any constitutes a kind of stress for the human organism, among others an impact on the endocrin system. There is an inhibition of the release of the anabolic hormon as . On the otherhand there is astimulation of the catabolic hormon as cortisol, glucagon, cathecolamin. All these may easily give rise to hyperglicaemia and keto acidosis especially in cases of that have no insulin reserves. It is therefore of prime importance to maniture all the time and periodically the blood glucose of the surgical patients pre operationem, durante operationem, and post operationem. Hypoglicaemia is the other major hazard of surgery which is much more dangerous than mild/moderate hyperglycaemia. To prevent hypoglicaemia the insulin dosis needed should be administered together with glucose for all grade of surgery as a principle management in patients IDDM. Protocol of management should not aim for normoglycaemia or even near normoglycaemia to avoid . Pre caution and contra indications for surgical treatment on diabetic patient should always be taken in mind. Other risk factors in diabetic patient undergoing surgical treatment in the hazard of infection and the problem of wound healing.