The Effect of Monosodium Glutamate Intake on Fetal Development of Rat (Pengaruh Pemberian Monosodium Glutamat pada Mencit Sebelum dan Sesudah Lahir)
All chemical substances given in high dose can change the maternal homestasis that cause negative effect to fetal development. Mono Sodium Glutamat (MSG) often given as food seasoning to gain appetite, indicates toxic effect by giving high doses. MSG given by injection at the neonatal or at the infant periods cause the disturbances the system of reproduction observation done to 5 days mice that the mother given the MSG during gestion, will cause light disturbances to neuron cells in the hypothalamus. MSG given by sub cutan injection 10 days continously to newly born male and female hamster, will cause the weight of its reproductive organ less than controlled animal. MSG given by sub cutan injection to newly born female mice from the ovarium follicle development. It is important not to give MSG to pregnant women or to children under five years old, since the risks caused by MSG can seriously occur. Factories produce MSG should put the exact usage dose instructions since MSG is freely purchased.
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