Complexometric Determination of Citric Acid (Penetapan Kadar Asam Sitrat secara Kompleksometri)
Citric acid is widely used in pharmaceutical preparation, therefore, a relatively simple but reliable methode of analysis need to be established. A critic acid solution (1 percent) was determined by alkalimetric method using NaOH standard solution and by complexometric method using EDTA standard solution. The precision and accuracy were then statistically compared. An official mixture consisting of equal amount of citric acid and sodium bicarbonate was determined complexometrically as previously described. The precision and accuracy were then determined. Statistical test indicate that complexometry was as accurate as alkalimetry but less precise for the determination of citric acid. Alkalimetry gave variance coefficient 0.25 percent while complexometry gave 2.18 percent. A complexometric determination of citric acid mixed with bicarbonate showed an accurate result (100.71 percent) with coefficient of variation of 3.28 percent. It could be concluded that complexometric method could be applied for the determination of citric acid as single compound as well as it mixture with bicarbonates.
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