The Pattern of Drug Use in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Based on Prescription Indicator (Pola Penggunaan Obat di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr. Hasan Sadikin Berdasarkan atas Indikator Penulisan Resep)
In order to know the pattern of drug use in Hasan Sadikin General Hospital (RSHS), a field research had been carried out a large number of outpatient prescriptions which taken in RSHS drugstore during January 1995, by using descriptive methode, retrospective survey technique and prescribing indicator for International Network for rational Use of Drugs (INRUD). The result showed that average number of drugs prescribing were 2.75 R/68.45 percent were prescribing by generic names, 32.72 percent with an antibiotic prescribed, 3.73 percent with an injection prescribed and 68.45 percent of drugs prescribed from National Essential Drugs List (DOEN) or Formulary. In general, the pattern of drugs use in RSHS, were better than other place in Indonesia according to Bimo studies (1991).
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