Mother's Profile and the Infant and Underfive Mortality in Marunda North Jakarta
A prospective study has been conducted on 102 underfives in Marunda. North Jakarta. The Focus of investigation was the mother's profile (reproductive pattern and schooling) and the underfive mortality. A disrepancy was found between the mother's perception and her adoption of the reproductive pattern, in the sence that although 55 percent of mothers had a good perception on reproduction, behavioural adaption was only 5.9 percent. Furthermore the mother's reproduction pattern (especially the number of siblings and the age at first child birth) was significantly related to the underfive deaths. Mother's schooling was also very significantly related to the underfive mortality. It was also revealed that by improving the mother's schooling from illiteracy to elementary schooling the underfive mortality could be reduced by three quarters. So it was very unfortunate that those two aspects of mother's profile were still unsatisfactory. Thus it was not surprising that the infant mortality and underfive mortality figures in the families of the children under study were still high compared to the general figures in Indonesia (99.7 vs 58 per 1000 livebirths and 154 vs 120 per 1000 livebirths, respectively).
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