The Advantage of Nonformal Radiographer Skill at Radiology Ward in Several Hospital and Clinics, Surabaya (Pemanfaatan Tenaga Radiographer Nonformal di Bagian Radiologi Beberapa Rumah Sakit dan Klinik di Surabaya)
This survey has been performed in the Municipality of Surabaya in 1992 with the objective to know the various reasons why radiological department hands use nonformal radioraphers rather than formal aducated radiographers. From 27 hospitals using nonformal radiographers, 15 (55.56 percent) gave the reason that formal educated radiographer are scarce in Surabaya, 5 (18.5 percent) hospitals use nonformal radiographers because they can be underpaid, while 3 (11.11 percent) hospitals find non difficulties with goverment officials it they do not use formal radiographers. The rest, 4 (14.81 percent) hospitals has not the ability to hire radiographers, since they are dropped from their superiors. Measures has to be taken to increase education of radiographers, the monitoring system has to be improved by goverment officials, besides that hospital management has to be responsible for hiring radiographer.
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