The Effect of Shrimp Rostom Flour Supplementation and Boilling Condition on Protein Value and Acceptability of Empek-empek (Pengaruh Penambahan Tepung Jengger Udang dan Kondisi Perebusan terhadap Nilai Gizi Protein serta Daya Terima Empek-empek)
The objectives of this research are to study the effect of shrimp rostrom flour (SRF) supplementation and boilling condition on protein value and acceptability of empek-empek. Supplementation of SRF were 0 percent, 10 percent, 20 percent dan 30 percent. The boilling condition were on 80 degree celcius temperature of boilling for 20 minutes and 100 degree celcius for 10 minutes. The result of the research showed that the yield of SRF were 10 percent. Per 100 gram material, the SRF contained moisture 3.79 percent ash 2.37 percent, protein 84.5 percent and fat 4.76 percent. The empek-empek contained moisture 25.14 percent-43.4 percent, ash 1.63 percent-2.49 percent, protein 1.95 percent-14.49 percent, fat 9.02 percent-11.75 percent, carbohydrate 71.89 percent-82.86 percent digestion level 55.87 percent-78.77 percent and texture 89 load/mm - 263 load/mm. The higher temperature (100 degree celcius compare to 80 degree celcius) caused the chemical score on essensial amino acid isoleusin, leusin and fenilalanin decreased. Valin was the lowest amino acid with chemical score of 70. Panel acceptances of empek-empek were ranged from dislike to like on colour, smell, texture and taste. The optimum levels of SRF for the preparetion of empek-empek was 20 percent and boilling condition was 89 degree celcius for 20 minutes.
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