Morphology of Spermatozoa : Is There any Correlation to the Rate of Pregnancy ? (Morfologi Spermatozoa : Adakah Kaitannya dengan Keberhasilan Kehamilan ?)
Semen analysis although unan:mously regarded as an important and practical mean to determine male infertility, but that kind of analysis is merely a preliminary step in fertility work-up and can not be justified as a final instrument. Some parameters could be measured including micro and macroscopical traits. The morphology of spermatozoa is extremely important since it has correlation with the functional quality of the spermatozoa. One of the function is its ability to penetrate into cervical mucous and to carry out akrosomal reaction. Both functions have close relation to the probability of fertilization and hence the rate of pregnancy. To determine normality or abnormality of spermatozoa morphology, we can use a wide variety of coloring technique a.o. Giemsa. Papanicolon. Bryan-Leishman and Toloidin Blue.
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