Mothers Attitude through the Given of Breast Feeding and Food Addition(Perilaku Ibu terhadap Pemberian ASI Makanan/Minuman Tambahan)
One of the ways to reduce infant mortality rates in by giving exclusive breastfeeding half an hour after giving birth. Breastfeeding only without additional food and drink should be given until the baby reaches the age of 4 months. From the Survey of Health Household 1992 and the Survey of Indonesia Health Demography 1991, mother attitude in giving appropriate breastfeeding and pulverized food/additional drink for babies was revealed. According to the Survey of Health Household 1992, exclusive breastfeeding is given by mothers to their babies aged 0-3 months. A number of 1.4 percent mothers did not breastfeed their 0-1 month babies. According to a Survey on Indonesia Health Demography 1991, the higher educational background of mothers/respondents, the higher mother's responsibility in giving colostrum to their babies. Respondents who give colostrum to their babies are 67.7 percent. A number of 43.5 percent babies recieved additional food at the age of 2-3 months.
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