Characteristical of Mortality-Morbidity on Male and Female (Wanita dan Pria dalam Karakteristik Mortalitas-Morbiditas)
This paper discussed the different pattern of morbidity and mortality between male and female. The secondary data was collected from literatures and related research results, and analized descriptively to attain morbidity and mortality pattern of both male and female. Females life expectancy at birth was tend to be loner than male. Death rate among female children under one year and at the school age (5-14 years) are higher than male. The death rate among male is higher than women at the ages pf 1-4 years and 45-54 years. Lung Tuberculosis, injury, typhoid fever and chronic lever/cirrhosis are the major causes of mens death. There is no significant different on morbidity pattern between male and female at the age of under five years. Head-ache mostly suffered by elderly women and mostly elderly men suffered from hypertension, artheriosclerosis, eyes and hearing problems. It is suggested to improve the quality and coverage of health care including couselling especially for pregnant women and special cases empower women should be done in order to improve their family health.
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