Cardiovascular Disease Research on Rural Community (Penelitian Penyakit Kardiovaskular Masyarakat Pedesaan)
To anticipate the increased of cardiovascular diseases in different parts of the world, the WHO in 1984 have intiated with the WHO-Monica-project participated by 21 countries in 39 research centers. In 1987 Indonesia is the only developing country participated in WHO-MONICA (=Monitoring trend and determinants of Cardivascular Diseases) and in 1988 have empleted the basic data MONICA-Jakarta. It is asumed that the basic data, as prevalence of risk-factors and the average values so in 1994, the research, using the some MONICA protocol, can conclude a community study to obtain basic data from 9 villages in in central Java in 1724 responders age between 25-64 years, It can be revealed that nearly all data from villages are lower than results from the Jakarta-MONICA study, excluding smoking, where made villages are more prevalent (63.2 percent) than in the cities (59.9 percent). Further there are no difference between IDT Instrution for poor villages and Non -IDT. The knowledge of cardiovascular disease among villages are still very poor. For this, in the second year of study, an intervention will be carried out as KIE project. (Communication, Information
Education) using appropiate methods as education level and cultural conditions of these villages are also considered for later evaluation.
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