CHOP Combination Chemotherapy on Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma with High and Middle Malignancy (Kemoterapi Kombinasi CHOP pada Limfoma Non-Hodgkin Derajat Keganasan Menengah dan Tinggi)
An investigation had been made on the therapy results of CHOP (cyclophosphamide, hydroxydaunorubicine, oncovin, prednison) combination chemotherapy for non Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL) of the intermediate grade and high grade categories, who had been admitted at the Department of Medical Airlangga University School of Medicine/Dr. Sutomo Hospital in Surabaya in the years 1986 up to including 1994 (9 years period). The purpose of this investigation is to know wheter there is a differences in the results of CHOP therapy for the two above mentioned groups. Result erealed: it was found that CHOp had given fair result in the two NHL categories as a whole (CR:38 percent;RR:88 percent). The DH subgroup seems to be very responsive to CHOP therapy, but the number of cases was too small. There was no statistically significally significant difference between the result of CHOP therapy for the intermediate grade NHL as compared to the result of CHOP therapy for the high gade NHL. Although, there was a tendency for sightly better results in the intermidiate grade NHL. Conclusion; the CHOP combination chermatherapy statistically gave similar results for the intermediate grade NHL as compared to the high grade NHL categories.
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