AIDS Hazards Indonesian Yongest (AIDS Mengancam Generasi Muda Indonesia)
AIDS is caused by HIV which is indicated by the immunodeficiency brittieness against. This disease has widely spread around the world including in Indonesia. An AIDS 'collaborative study' which involved a number of countries and institutions has been conducted in which medicine invention and promotive activities was included. HIV + and AIDS victims are always increase in number. Based on data in September 1994 alone there has been 249 cases scattered in 15 provinces, most of whom aged 15-49 years old. From the data gained, adolescents take the majority of the total Indonesian population. As it is, the group which is difficult to control and which have high curiosity, caused them fragile against AIDS infection. Therefore they need special guidence on AIDS. This can be conducted through KIE-AIDS effort in schools and collegas. The awareness on religion life expected to prevent the adolescent from negative impacts. It is also expected that AIDS guidence could be implemented into relevant subjects at school/colleges. Religion leaders, teachers, idol images and families should be involved in a greater extent.
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