Hubungan antara Pengetahuan Ibu tentang Immunisasi Dasar dengan Keteraturan Pemberian Imunisasi Dasar pada Bayi di Desa Kepatihan Gresik.
Immunization belongs to promotional and preventive effort in the improvement of health condition. The lack of understanding on basic immunization need among mothers have resulted in the lack of exertion in pursuing basic immunization services. The study aimed for analyzing the relationship relating to pursuing basic immunization services for babies. The observation was structured as a cross sectional analytical study in January 2008. A total of 38 respondents were recruited for the investigation included questionnaires and data collection sheets. The collected data were analyzed using chi square (x²) test at the value of α = 0,05, resulting in a x² calculated of 7.36 > x² tablet derived of 5.99, this means that the Ho was rejected and H1 accepted. The observation concluded that there was a relationship between understanding of basic immunization and the regularity of the provision of basic immunization or inoculation to babies to babies at 0.44 significant level (weak) and it also discovered a positive correlation which means that the higher level of mothers understanding, the better was mothers effort in seeking immunization for their babies.
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