Pengetahuan Ibu Nifas tentang KB dan Keikut Sertaan Menjadi Akseptor KB Setelah Masa Nifas Berakhir
Working knowledge and understanding may influence one’s behavior in relationto certain issues and this notion called for a study on the understanding on the need to become family planning participant following the end of masa nifas. The objectives of the study included an analysis of the relationship between ibu nifas’s (40 days). This was an analytical study employing cros-sectional observations. Subjects under study consisted of ibu nifas under the care of BPS Nina in Surabaya on March on March through June meeting certain qualifying criteria. The sample size consisted of 33 respondents following the completion of masa nifas (51.51%) and 16 respondents decided not to participate as FP acceptors following the complection of masa nifas. Almost half of the respondents indicated their understanding at the level of lacking, moderate and well (kurang, cukup and baik). Statistical analysis using chi square (x₂) discovered a calculated value (10.51) greater than the critical value (5.99) meaning that there was a relationship between ibu nifas understanding on FP with ther participation as FP acceptors following the completion of masa nifas. The study duly concluded that was a relationship between ibu nifas understnding on FP with ther participation as FP acceptors following the completion of masa nifas.
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