Hubungan antara After Pains dengan Kecemasan Ibu Pasca Salin hari Pertama dan Ke Dua
The aim issue addressed by this study is the after pains especially among women with multiple delivery, due t frequent contration of the uteri, post-delivery women often experienced anxiety. This was n analytical survey trying to capture cross sectional fitures of a population consisting of post-delivery women with physiological multiple-delivery background, breast feed their babies, and on their first and second day after delivery. A sample of 30 respondents were recruited in non probability manner, that s the quota sampling. The independent variable was the after pains, while the dependent variable was the post-delivery anxiety. Data were gathere by the use of a questionnaire and pain-scale measurement sheet, Visual Analog Scale. Data were analyzed by sperman rank at 0.05 significant level. Results indicated that most respondents, 17 individuals (57.7%), experienced a severe pain, there were 14 individuals (46.7%) who experienced severe anxiety. Spearman Rank analizes discovered p 0.0002 whit meant that was an associated between after pains among multiple delivery women anxiety occurring among post delivery women. The study concluded that there was a relationship between after pains among multiple delivery women with anxiety occurring among post delivery women. The study made suggestions to health care providers to improve its midwivery sevices to post delivery women especially thosewith the after pains, and to educate this group of others to understand that it was a physiological pain and there are ways to overcome after pains.
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