Gambaran Perilaku Ibu Hamil dalam Pemenuhan Zat Besi
Anemia prevalence of pregnant is increasing. Therefore, pregnant mother’s behavior in ferro supply need to improved. Meanwhile, most of pregnant mother have a bad behavior on it. This research is done in order to know about pregnant mother’s behavior in ferro supply. Cross sectional design is used in descriptive research, which take population of pregnant mother in Pos Pratek Poltekkes Depkes Denpasar. The sample was 46 of pregnant mother and that is taken by consecutive sampling. The result of this research shows that mother’s behavior 0n ferro supply depend on mother’s knowledge about ferro supply meaning good as much 59% pregnant mother’s attitude on ferro supply was most of them have a positive attitude about ferro supply is about 93% and 48% of pregnant mother did ferro supply as good as well. According to that research, the health worker shall improve the service and execute the correct so that pregnant mother can supplying ferro optimally
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