Perbandingan Lama Penyembuhan Luka Post Operasi Seksio Sesarea dengan terapi Antibiotika Profilaksis dan Terapeutik
Many factors influence the mending of wounds, i.e. local and more general factors. Data recovered from the fled indicated that there are high maternal mortality attributable to infections. The situation calls for a comparative study on healing of post section-caesaria operations administered with prophylaxis and theurapeutic antibiotics. This was an analytical study performed on a cross sectional study design. The population under study were all mothers who underwent sectio-caesaria in RS Kota Madiun hospital between 27 September -17 December 2007 a total of 40 mothers, and the requited respondents were 36 mothers. The collected data included consisted of respondents characteristic such as age, education, occupation, parity, and the length of time required for the healing of post sectio-caesaria wounds subjected to prophylactic and theurapeutic antibiotic treatments. Data collection made use of the existing medical records. Observations indicated that the average length of time required for the healing of wounds treated with prophylactic antibiotic was 3.2 days while those treated with theurapeutic antibiotic was 3.7 hari. The performed t-test discovered a figure of 0.22 which means that α > 0.05. The study concluded that there was no difference In the length of time required for the healing of sectio-caesaria wounds treated with prophylactic and theurapeutic antibiotics. Considering the outcome of the study, which stated that, there was no difference in the length of time required for the healing of section-caesaria wounds treated with prophylactic and theurapeutic antibiotics, rational selection of medication should be practiced.
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