Identifikasi Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kejadian Karsinoma Serviks Uteri
Carcinoma Cervix Uteri is a malignant condition that becomes a serious health problem among women, especially in developing countries such as Indonesia. Among the factors which play important roles in the development of Carcinoma Cervix Uteri are first sexual activity at the age of less than 20 years, having to many children, and poor socio-economic condition. The study was aimed at analyzing relationship of marital age, parity and socio-economic condition with occurrence of carcinoma cervix uteri at URJ Onkologi RSU DR Soetomo Surabaya in June through December of respondents were drawn from the population probability sampling technique. Data were gathered by the use of a set of questionnaire and other data collection sheets. The observation revealed that 71% or respondents were married at less than 20 years of age, 67,3% of them have 2-5 children and 77.4% were poor-family card holders. Correlation test by Spearman test discovered that there was a relationship marital age and parity, with occurrence of carcinoma cervix uteri, while the socio-economic condition (possession of poor-family card) showed no relationship with occurrence of carcinoma cervix uteri.
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