Perbedaan Apgar Skor Bayi yang Dilahirkan oleh Ibu KPD dan Tidak KPD
According to statistic on Indonesia (2007) the infant mortality rate in East Java was 47.69/1.000 life birth, while the same statistics on infant mortality rate for kabupaten Madiun was 43.69/1.000 life birth. The cause of death among infants among infants at neonatal stage was asphyxia, which responsible for 27%. Objectives: To understand the difference of Apgar Score among babies delivery by mothers who did not KPD, PPD ≤ 12 hours in October through December 2007 Materials and method: This study involved a sample size of 100respndents meeting the following criterias: non KPD, KPD ≤ 12 hours and KPD > 12 hours with a-term pregnancy age. The study was initiated as an analytical study using a cross sectional design. Samples were drawn using a probability sampling technique namely sample random sampling. The research instrument employed was evaluation sheets both for KPD and Apgar score. Existing differences will be shown by Kruskal-Wallis analyses. Results: The study indicated a tendency that majority of babies delivered by non-KPD mothers have experienced light asphyxia, the longer the KPD the incidence of light asphyxia to be smaller. Differential testing produced a figure of 9.396 at the significance level of 0.009. Conclusions and recommendations: The study has proven a difference in Apgar Scores according to occurrence of KPD. This calls for a clinical study t prove that one of the causes for light asphyxia among infants was KPD. To lessen the impact of KPD upon newly born babies, the existing standard operational procedures for handing newly born babies delivered by KP mothers need to be reviewed and adjusted in addition to improvement of thoroughness among health care workers in performing the anammnesa.
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