Community Health Center Nurse Problems between the Policy and Practices (Perawat Puskesmas antara Kebijaksanaan dan Praktek)
This paper examines the striking discrepancy between formal conceptutilizations of what nurses in health centers ought to do and their actual activities using material from a two-years qualitative research in Central Java. During the research, it intrigued me that my observation of health centre nurses corresponded only to a limited extent, if at all, to the general assumption that the role of caring is at the heart of nursing. The core of nursing activities in the health centres often seemed to be curing rather than caring. To present my case, I will move from the national to the local level. First, the domain of formal nursing practices will be defined according to current legislation and nursing curricula. Shifting the focus to the subdistrict level, the actual work of health centre nurses in the public and private sectors will be examined. Finally, I will highlight the wide gap between the formal and the actual role of health centre nurses and its implications for the population's health.
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