Ibu Hamil dan HIV-AIDS
Pregnancy is a natural phenomenon happening to women, however, it can influence the mother’s and her embryo’s health condition, mainly in its first trimester. Pregnant women of the first trimester are generally feeling nauseous, vomiting being lack of appetite and getting exhausted. Productive aged women are very risky to be infected by HIV. From their age profile, there is a tendency that the HIV infection happening to their young age, meanwhile, the abave 15 years of age is slightly fewer. In Uganda, in the year of 2003, their HIV prevalence 45 years of age is slightly fewer. In Uganda, in the year of 2003, their HIV prevalence of maternity clinic is at 6,2%. The transmission of HIV-AIDS on pregnant women is throughout a sexual intercourse. The infection from husband to wife is at 22%, meanwhile from wife to husband is 8%. It happens vertically at all time in the intrapartum or postpartum period. The intrauterine infection is at 30-50% happening before the childbirth, and at 65% happening when intrapartum. Preventing efforts towards its infection, i.e. the women being infected by the HIV-AIDS should be better not to be pregnant. It is in relation to the availability of the research result stating that there is a possibility of more or less 30-50% on an HIV-AIDS infected mother who will give birth to an HIV-AIDS infected baby as well.
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