Gambaran Klinis dan Endoskopi Penyakit Reluks Gastroesofagus (PRGE) pada Pasien Asma Pesisten Sedang di RS. Persahabatan, Jakarta.
Gastroesophageal reflux diseases (GERD) close associated with any symptoms and airways disorders including chronic cough and asthma. The prevalence of GERD in asthma patients still unclear, approximately 34-89%. In many studies showed that approximately 55-82% asthma patients had GERD symptoms. Endoscopy finding from asthma patients showed that esophagitis prevalence is approximately 27-43%. There is still unknown GER prevalence and it’s characteristic in asthma patients at Persahabatan Hospital. A cross sectional study have done to know endoscopy finding and GER characteristic in moderate asthma patients with GERD symptoms. Study from November 2004 and characteristic in moderate persistent asthma with GERD symptoms. Study from November 2004 and finished Oktober 2005 with total sample 36 patients. Inclusion criteria was moderate persistent asthma patients age 15-65 years old, postbronchodilator reversibility test ≥ 12%, bronchial provocation test must be positive and there was one or more typical GERD symptoms include heartbun, regurgitation, atypical chest pain, dysfagia or water brash. GERD symptoms used RDQ (Reflux Disease Questionnaire) by Dentor Chinese GERD Study Group. Correlation between GERD and asthma used Field et al questionnaire. Esophagitis established by endoscopy examination used Los Angeles 1994 classifications and or histopatologycal examinations of esophagus biopsy. Endoscopy was performed at subdivision endoscopy depertment of internal medicine Gatot Subroto-army Hospital. Histopathology examinations of esophagus biopsy were doing at anatomy pathology laboratories at Persahabatan Hospital-Jakarta, Indonesia. Regurgitation was a most GERD symptom in moderate persistent asthma patients. Reflux associated respiratory symptoms (RARS) was found at 52,8% patients and use of bronchodilator while reflux episode was found at 50% patients. Among patients who completed the study (n=36)., a half of patients (50%) had erosive esophagitis. Erosive esophagitis was into grade A with 12 (33,3%) patients, grade B with 4 (11.1) patients and grade C with 2 (5.6%) patients. Esophageal biopsy was performed in 34 ((4.4%) patients and 2 (5.6%) patients were absent. Histopathological examination demonstrated esophagitis in 32 (88.8%) patients and not representative in 2(5.6%) patients. Totally 50% moderate persistent asthma patients with GERD symptoms had erosive esophagitis, 52,8% had reflux associated respiratory symptoms (RARS) and 50% use of bronchodilator while reflux episode.
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