Korelasi Angka Bebas Jentik (ABJ) dengan Prevalensi DBD di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kelurahan Meruya Selatan II Kecamatan Kembangan Jakarta barat januari 2008 - Desember 2008
Based on the data of Puskesmas Kelurahan Meruya Selatan II and Puskesmas Kecamatan Kembangan for the period of January –December 2008 there were 32 cases of Dengue Hemorrhagic feverv(DHF) in Kelurahan Meruya Selatan II with Free Index (LFI) 97.5%. The objective of the research was to determine the correlation between LFI and the prevalence of DHFwithin the working area of Puskesmas Meruya Selatan II, Kecamatan Kembang, Jakarta barat. This cross sectional analytical research was conducted on the whole population within the working area of Puskesmas Kelurahan Meruya Selatan II using the recapitulated data of 30- minute PSN and recapitulated report of RW siaga in Puskesmas Kelurahan Meruya Selatan II tahun 2008 as well as residence registry report who were suffering from DHF in the year of 2008. Statistical analysis of Pearson correlation was conducted using version 12 SPSS. Findings from 32 cases showed a signi€cant (p=0.0001) correlation (r=0.65) with intermediate strength and negative direction between LFI and DHF prevalence. This meant that there was an inverse relation between LFI and DHF prevalence whereby an increase in LFI would decrease the prevalence of DHF and vice versa. Regression coefficient of 0.42 (R2) indicated that LFI contributed 42% of the changes in DHF prevalence.
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