Aktivititas Sari Lobak (Raphanus sativus L.) terhadap kelarutan Batu Ginjal Kalsium Secara in Vitro (The Avctivity of White (Raphanus Sativus L) Extract to the Salubility of Renal Calculi)
White radish (Raphanus sativus L) from the family Brassicaceae/Crucciferae is a medicinal plant which is virtuous as a diuretic and used to solubilize the renal calculi. The aim of this research at the activity of radish extract in solubilizing renal calculi (calcium) in vitro by measuring the content of soluble calcium using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). In the experiment three different doses of raish extract was made, i.e half dose, single dose, and double human doses, besides Batugin Elixir used as a standard of comparison. The renal calculi used in this experiment were the whole renal calculi and the scrapings renal calculi from calcium oxalate uric, calcium oxalate – phosphate. Each kind of renal calculi was soaked and incubated in double doses, single dose, half dose of radish extract and Batugin Elixir sucesseively in 37⁰C for 3 hours. Afterwards the soaking filtrate was destructed and diluted furthermore for detection of its calcium using AAS. The result then was being analyzed using SPSS 10,0 program with Analysis Univariate Method. There were significant doses radish extract.
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